Monday, 8 December 2014

                                       Pure Soul Interaction

Till now I have been involved in like 4 pure soul interactions (that is what I call them) commonly known as the astral travel.
I will try sharing all of my experiences on this forum, the interpretations of the phenomenon etc but this one experience which I recently had a few hours ago ,I would like direly want to make it public.
        Laid down in the bed after fajar prayers I decided to go for the astral travel as according to my experience it is the best time and the most easy one too for breaking the confining relation between soul and body.
       Any experienced person in the field knows that before the initiation of the process your body is overtaken by extreme vibrations which are nothing like shivers. If you pass through these intense vibrations, your body is then encompassed by extreme calmness and that is the point where your thoughts rule the reality of you, that is what I call manifestation (literally).
       Now today when the shivering was intense I tried intensely but failed and lost hope but suddenly the deadlock broke and I felt my soul free of the bodily prison.
       I at once left the body, then my room (just by mere thinking), and then I tried to pass through the gate of our house which I use to do regularly (passing through materials as the soul doesn`t interact with material), but somehow I wasn`t able to achieve it today , neither was I  able free my self of the gravitational effect (somewhat abnormal in that plane of life).

      Anyways I decided to climb the gate of my home and did it quite easily and then I was out of my home and the gravitational effects reducing slowly and gradually , walking forward to get hold of this experience as much as I could, I rose my head and saw something spectacular, nothing of this world, it was the moon, so big that I could see all the details of the moon inside it and it was a spectacular view , its beauty surpassed worldly explanations in words. As I have already mentioned that it was after fajar prayers so it was dawn, the sky was lightened up and the moon as it seems in the pre-morning sky was white in colour, but its beauty and the depth of detail it possessed, beyond all explanations.
       Then comes the moment which I so dislike :) , in every experience i.e. the 4 I had so far, I try to prove to myself that this is actually an astral travel and not some dream and I think of going back to my bed and bang!!! again vibrations and I start to feel my body, open my eyes and into the world of material. 

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